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animal gesture training institute
AHB --
antisocial human behavior
ASB -- antisocial behavior
ATP --
anatomical theme park
C74 --
cycling 74
confined cellular population model
CGE -- culinary genetic engineering
CIA --
central intelligence agency
DDR --
dance dance revolution
devolution strong methods
DG'z -- dopamine girlz
DMZ --
demilitarized zone
DSB -- dangerous sperm buildup
DVD -- digital video disk
ED --
erectile dysfunction
EPA -- environmental protection agency
EVO --
EVO-D -- designer evolution
EVO-F -- forward evolution
EVO-NUMBER -- evolutionary number
EVO-SM -- evolution strong methods
FBM --
fashion behavior modification
FDA -- food and drug administration
FOFA -- friends of floataways
GGW -- girls gone wild
GMO -- genetically modified organism
GMP --
genetically modified peyote
GSE --
global shared experience
high altitude bees
IHOP -- international house of pancakes
IPO -- initial public offering
JHK --
KFA --
kentucky fried anything
KFC --
kentucky fried chicken
KFN -- kentucky fried nothing
LKF -- legal killing foundation
MAA --
motion analysis algorithms
MIDI -- musical instrument digital interface
MSG -- madison square garden
MTPS -- metrosexual tontonics pickup strategy
NCA -- new children's army
NH -- new hampshire
OPSW -- oxford plains speedway
PMS -- paramecium must suffer
POV -- point of view
PR -- public relations
Q&A -- question and answer
RFID -- radio frequency identification
RFK -- robert f. kennedy
redneck reverse internet translators
RSU -- right side up
SCM -- species control mechanism
SMB -- stoned mountain boyz
school for expansion of extreme knowledge
SNL -- saturday night live
TAD --
the american dream
TFE -- temporary female enhancement
THC -- tetrahydrocannabinol
tlon, uqbar, orbis tertius
TV -- television
UBC --
universal bean consciousness
UD --
upside down
UFO -- unidentified flying object
USB -- universal serial bus
WWJD -- what would jesus do