random pairings
Table of Contents
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 1
New antibiotic osmotically explodes bacteria
Arabian women use magic worms to turn men into zombies
The Randoms are cured but now speak Tontonics
Paramecium loses fashion sense as it edges toward 200
Franklin rules the seas using genetically modified organisms (GMO)
Synchronized paramecium swim out of magic teeth
E. Coli gets new public image via advertising
Terrorettes ride in garbage trucks
ATP organs go crazy and reject children
Wearing pellicle allows asexual reproduction
"The Homosexual Guide to Reproduction" gets feelgood book award
UD books distributed free to children in plot to destabilize universe
resistdance choreographs SMB moon trip.
Animal suits inspire amazing new strengths and weaknesses
Ghost bodcasting from the spirit world
Floataway Tablets reduce population. Excess population floats away
people linked by love of Crisco
Marriage = mutual encystment
Contractile vacuole allows paramecium to laugh
How-to books for primitive man
chapter 2
the punishment animal
Franklin performs self monkey heart transplant
Resourceful families make insects into KFC using KFA method
Serious injuries lead to special powers
Paramecium learns to like new Crisco
Metrosexual Tontonics pickup strategy (MTPS)
Zombie DDR choreographed using MAA
The Randoms spend an entire evening happily conversing with microbes
Government links //all// academic subject matter to terrorism
Dentists graft teeth onto microbes
Purposelessness achieved using Floataway Tablets
Autogamy amplifies the worry gene with each generation
Didinium attacks SMB while on the moon
Tonto visits chocolate factory
Sex is better after cellular regression
Organs escape the body and survive on their own starting new evolutionary branches
Didinium offers flowers to prospective prey
Terrorist training school is shaped like an actual terrorist
Programmable pit bulls limit antisocial behavior (ASB) in small towns
didinium cysts discovered on the moon
paramecium laughter prevents didinium from mating
Terrorettes use secret penis neutralization methods to humiliate men
Another antibiotic strategy: Scare bacteria to death using ghost paramecium
Upside down (UD) protozoan clothes sweep spring fashion scene
Dick Cheney's laptop fills with paramecium after accidental fall into the Potomac
seal dance derived from MAA of seals
New-Children's-Army uses artificial vaginas to calm down
deep sea microbes
Paul and Ellen develop superhuman strength
Plots encyst when their idea supplies are depleted
Retro housewives sew protective pellicles
Big words for small things
AGTI teaches paramecium gestures and movements
Energy fields amplified by rhythmic plots
the hermaphrodite's guide to reproduction
Paul & Ellen achieve success via reverse promotion
is continuity an issue?
Microscopic garbage trucks
Devo-SM cures fear
Paramecium dancers
Organelle’s new Crisco dance
Pit bulls achieve geometric rates of reproduction using autogamy
Government cracks down on how-to books
Protozoan kids
Soldiers in the New-Children's-Army recite nursery rhymes while killing
chapter 3
The small town as microbe model
The kitchen guide to contraceptives
FBM provides a path back to religion for ill dressed NH residents
The penis school, which is shaped like a penis
Under the microscope, trichocysts are visible in new Crisco
Look out!
Laughter increases with devolution
Mummies reanimated via sex
Microphones hidden in the stomachs of cows record a dialect identical to Tontonics
Didinium becomes famous enough to have a celebrity afterlife
Amoeba randomly changes its layer status
Mantra books are translated into protozoan
Why do girls like flowers?
How-to use your mister-paramecium-head
wild in sunshine
People remember striped experiences even though there were no stripes involved
How-to liquefy pit bulls using a modified Nintendo power glove
Animals read UD books to their stuffed people
schoolmarms-in-the-bedroom as a contraceptive
AGTI Admissions office considers applicant's history of wearing animal suits
You are what you watch
Clans of people in similar animal suits driving similar garbage trucks
As the Randoms interbreed with other Randoms, randomness declines
ED dance craze
Pictures of Joni Mitchell in a state of high osmotic pressure
Eating worms, formerly a punishment, is fashionable and nutritious
Microbes get high
Oompa-loompas are the pinnacle of beauty
Condoleezza Rice in an elementary school reading "A is For Ambush
A quest to destabilize the world using the saxophone
Music becomes seal dancing via MAA
New toys reproduce when exposed to sunlight
Battle of the food vacuoles
paramecium contractile vacuoles are actually mouths
Singles agree to let Ipod shuffle algorithm select prospective mates